Chapter 4.Over the years I have tested and used a lot of distributions. For the “Switching to Linux” article series I wanted to pick the distribution that suited my needs best. Usability was the primary concern. A close second was looks, I have always been a sucker for eye candy. Things like installation and configuration where less important.
I consider myself (fairly) experienced in Linux, having setup a good number of servers and desktops. I have been using Linux as a secondary desktop for a number of years now. So I did not expect much problems in the distribution step towards my ultimate goal: a perfect Linux desktop, suitable for everyday use both professional and private.
The demands
I wanted an up-to-date, easy to use and easy to maintain system. The window manager needed to be practical, yet easily customizable and fast.
- No endless configuration and tweaking after the installation
- The interface works out-of-the box or post-installation
- Updates are simple and don’t require hours of searching for dependencies and solving conflicts
- Essential hardware is detected during setup or at least hinted at post-installation. No searching for kernel modules and obscure third party drivers
- No tons of extra software. If there is extra software, it is easily removable
- Sufficient software is available to replace the windows programs (installable, downloadable). Compiling is the last resort and not the rule
The candidates
Arch Linux
Site: archlinux.org
Release Type: rolling distribution
Window Manager: none, chose one after installation
Version: 2011.08.19
Site: debian.org
Release Type: When it’s ready. Stable, testing and experimental branches
Window Manager: Gnome 2
Version: 6 (“squeeze”, stable), wheezy (testing), sid (experimental)
Site: fedoraproject.org
Release Type: when it’s ready
Window Manager: Gnome 3
Version: 15
Linux Mint Debian
Site: linuxmint.com
Release Type: rolling distribution
Window Manager: Gnome 2 or Xfce (separate downloads)
Version: 201109
Site: opensuse.org
Release Type: when it’s ready
Window Manager: Gnome 2
Version: 11.4
Site: ubuntu.com
Release Type: 6 month cycle
Window Manager: Unity
Version: 11.10
Site: xubuntu.org
Release Type: 6 month cycle
Window Manager: Xfce 4
Version: 11.10
Site: freebsd.org
Release Type: When it’s ready
Window Manager: chose one
Version: 8.2
Switching to Linux series:
- Chapter 1 >> Switching To Linux: The Start
- Chapter 2 >> Switching To Linux: My Reasons
- Chapter 3 >> Switching To Linux: The Software List
- Chapter 4 >> This Article
- Chapter 5 >> Switching To Linux: The VirtualBox Setup
- Chapter 6 >> Switching To Linux: Expectations and Criteria
- Chapter 7 >> Switching To Linux: Distribution Testing
- Chapter 8 >> Switching To Linux: Testing Distributions On Real Hardware
- Chapter 9 >> Switching To Linux: Ubuntu, The Surprising Winner
This post was last modified on 2020-05-14
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